Monday, September 22, 2008

Why a photography nut should always carry her camera with her....

I so missed a great opportunity for a fabulous shot. This morning while walking out of work (it was a very thick fogggy morning) The fog had begun to lift. I looked up from my car and was stunned by the amazing beauty of this perfectly formed spider web spanning about 2 1/2 feet between several branches. The spider (a very big one) was right smack dab in the middle. Dew outlined every length of silk spun. It was gorgeous. The dew made it shimmer. I sat in awe, heartbroken that I did not have my camera with me. One doesn't get to witness such beauty in nature very often. I will carry it from now on. I only hope in the next few mornings I get to get one more chance to snap a picture of this web. The fall foliage is developing quite nicely now too. I hope to get out and about and photograph some of the ozark mountains in their fall splendor. also, I have discovered an old lead mine by my school which I hope to get some pictures of. I love fall. This time of year is my absolute favorite time of year. I love the crisp air, decreased humidity and color. OK, enough for now.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Grand Haven Michigan 2007

More of Amy's family

This has got to be the most fun family I have ever photographed. It happens effortlessly. they are open to all suggestions and even suggest their own. These photos were taken at Laumier Sculpture park. I love the "surfing " one.

Jordan and Alanna

Not only are they amazingly photogenic, but their personalities beam from their portraits. I love any opportunity I get to take photos of my beautiful nieces.

Fudge family

This shoot was initially for Austin to signify his graduation into middle school. We ended up making it a nice family shot. I love the railroad tracks for these pictures. It captures the essence of the journey.

Trish, Jason, and Ava expecting more twins....

Trish is my friend who had her girls 6 days after Logan and Connor. She was 25 weeks, and sadly after 9 days, they hads to say goodbye to Sophia. Ava is her surviving twin. Here is Trish pregnant with her second set of twins. She is 30 weeks in these pictures and I believe she carried them to 35 weeks ( I may be wrong).

Amy and her fabulous family

So these pictures were taken last year, but I loved these pictures. They were my first official photo shoot in St Louis. Amy and Mike have become good friends. They are are wonderful family and full of fun. Abby babysits for the duo form time to time.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

up a tree

Often, I look up a tree and am amazed by it's majestic beauty. Well, I decided to capture some of that beauty while working on my depth of field. I love how the view is up the trunk. I found a large tree with a very straight trunk. this was taken in Kirkwood park. Kirkwood, MO.

Hot air balloons

A favorite thing from my childhood was being able to see the hot-air balloons go over our house for the balloon race Ft. Wayne used to have. I remember that tell-tale "whoosh" sound they made as the flames shot up to fill the balloon. I love the balloons. They are so mystical, how they float freely in the air and look so light and airy. They add spectacular color to the sky. I have missed it. So moving to St Louis, I was happy to learn that they still have a race here. The balloons have been up flying lately and I managed to capture a few shots of them.

Finds in St Charles, MO

For those who know i love my java:)
I took these pictures this summer when Jodi came to visit. I was in love with the old letter boxes and rod-iron fences. I took lots of pictures of letter boxes and door knobs. Jodi helped meto create this collage from the letter boxes in photoshop.

railroad tracks

I was intrigued by these tracks from the moment I saw them on my way to work one day. I love the rustic look of the bridge and the somnolence of straight lines.

Appreciating simplicity

I saw this old drinking fountain at the park and instantly fell in love with it's aged beauty.